Welcome to all health care practitioners, public health workers, and vitamin D educators and advocates!
Thank you for your interest in learning more about vitamin D and how to implement current best practices for addressing vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency into your practice and/or health education programs. GrassrootsHealth would like to offer these special opportunities for you. Please take a look and let us know if you have questions on the material or how to get started!
Vitamin D*Education Course & Toolkit (A core component of an award-winning presentation!)
The new online vitamin D*education course, Moving Vitamin D Research into Practice: Addressing Vitamin D Deficiency to Improve Patient Outcomes, Population Health & Reduce Costs (approved for 1.5 CNE/CPEU), was created to help end the vitamin D deficiency epidemic by educating others on the latest research on vitamin D, importance of vitamin D for health, the steps each person needs to take in order to achieve their target vitamin D level, and the basic knowledge needed to answer the most common questions you might be asked about vitamin D. It aims to get the latest vitamin D public health science and best practice protocols, direct from world-renowned vitamin D researchers, into the hands of healthcare professionals and individuals… moving research into practice to impact individual and patient outcomes and population health, and potentially reducing healthcare costs across the globe. Learn more about how this course has been implemented here.
What you’ll get:
- Access to the Vitamin D*Education course
- Access to the Vitamin D Best Practices Toolkit
- Approved for 1.5 CNE and CPEU for nurses and dietitians
- Pre-requisite for the Vitamin D*Practitioner Certification
View the original translational research project paper here: (PDF) Development of a Public Health Model for Translation of Best Practices in Addressing Vitamin D Deficiency (researchgate.net)
Vitamin D*Practitioner Certification (Add-on option to the education course above, required)
Showcase yourself as an expert in vitamin D with this certification and a listing on the Vitamin D*practitioners page! A passing score of the Vitamin D*Education course post-test is required.
What you’ll get upon passing the Vitamin D*education course post-test:
- A Vitamin D*Practitioner Certificate from GrassrootsHealth
- A listing on the grassrootshealth.net Vitamin D*Practitioner webpage
- Access to other experts through the Vitamin D*Practitioner Forum, a community of other certified D*practitioners, experts and advisors for added professional support
Purchase the Course & Certification Here
Did you already pass the Vitamin D*Education course?
Add the Vitamin D*Certification Here
Feedback from Course Participants
“I was impressed with the quantity and quality of resources. Thank you for sharing! I plan to use some of the materials in my teaching practice.”
“Thought the course was well done, format easy to follow, provided actionable steps.”
“The course contained a ton of research-based information and resources. I was amazed at the data and how nicely it was compiled in this format. Well done!! Although I haven’t had much time yet to pass along the information since taking the course, I definitely plan to!”
TOP Vitamin D Resources for Doctors, Health Care Providers, and Individuals
Determine Someone’s Risk of Having a Low Vitamin D Level
The Vitamin D Deficiency Risk Assessment Quiz (Beta)* is a short quiz composed of an individual’s self-reported supplemental vitamin D intake, UVB exposure, and low exposure indicators to assess risk level. Scoring is intended to determine if an individual has a low, moderate, or high risk of having a vitamin D level below 40 ng/ml. Find out your patients’ risk of having a low vitamin D level while using this as an educational tool!
Calculate How Much Supplemental Vitamin D Someone Might Need
Use the Vitamin D*calculator, with a new loading dose option, to calculate the estimated Vitamin D intake needed to reach a target vitamin D serum level (40-60 ng/ml recommended by our scientist panel). The calculator is best used when a current/starting vitamin D level is known.
Need a Way to Measure the Vitamin D Level?
The only way to know if someone is getting enough vitamin D is to measure the vitamin D level. The total 25(OH)D level is the accepted measure used to determine the current/baseline vitamin D status. When ordering through GrassrootsHealth , you can choose additional tests to add to the vitamin D level, such as omega-3 status, hsCRP as a measure of inflammation, HbA1c for blood sugar health, essential & toxic elements, and more. Testing comes with enrollment and participation in the vitamin D*action study.
How to Understand & Optimize Vitamin D Levels
The new IRB-approved KNOW “D” NUMBER Patient and Provider Guide to Understanding Vitamin D, Testing & Results booklet was created by a team of vitamin D experts to help patients and health care providers alike better understand vitamin D and the importance of knowing the vitamin D level. Everyone needs vitamin D, and while each person is unique in how they get it and how they respond to intake, the information in this guide can help ALL achieve the vitamin D level they want for their own health!
Top Vitamin D Resources, Right at Your Fingertips
The “Top Vitamin D Resources” handout can easily be downloaded, printed, and shared with your doctor or other health care provider. It includes links to each of our top vitamin D resources, eTools, handouts and more – including our vitamin D*calculator, vitamin D risk assessment quiz, Disease Incidence Prevention charts, our patient and provider guide, brochures and more.
Implementing Your Own Vitamin D Testing & Educational Programs
See what can happen in your practice, organization or group when a vitamin D testing and education program is implemented for them, with the goal of getting everyone to the 40-60 ng/ml range. GrassrootsHealth provides a proven implementation model, education, tools, research and findings to help those interested in moving vitamin D research into practice.
- Test vitamin D levels and maintain ≥ 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L)
- Education for providers and patients
- Track to see how health outcomes improve
- Reduce costs
Read about several examples of outcomes seen among practices implementing a vitamin D program here.
Request a Free Consultation Today!
Get additional support from GrassrootsHealth advisory members with implementing vitamin D best practices for your patients or clients! Contact Dr. Beth Sanford, an Advisory Board Member of GrassrootsHealth, by emailing her at [email protected] for a free 30 minute consultation about starting a vitamin D education program or clinical innovation project today.
Coming Soon – Practitioner Accounts on grassrootshealth.net
Measure, manage and track your patients’ or clients’ vitamin D (and other) levels through your practitioner account… stay tuned for more!