

Do You Know Your Omega-3 Index?Check Now

Find out with our home test kit.

Just as with vitamin D deficiency, omega-3 deficiency can put you at risk for chronic disease. Both are essential to your everyday health.

You may already have an idea of how your vitamin D level may affect your health…
How could your Omega-3 Index level affect your health as well?

O3 diseases

Omega-3 Deficiency is Common Around the World

The typical diet for most individuals, up to 80-90% in some countries, does not provide enough EPA and DHA to provide these benefits, leaving a majority of the population deficient – with most countries and regions around the globe having Omega-3 Index levels that are considered low to very low.

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Learn More about the Benefits of Omega-3s


The Importance of Testing Omega-3s (just as with vitamin D!)

By taking simple dietary steps like increasing your consumption of foods or supplements rich in the omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), your Omega-3 Index will rise.  However, similar to vitamin D serum level response to supplementation, there is a wide variation in response between omega-3 intake and a resulting Omega-3 Index level; there is no way to tell if you are getting enough omega-3s unless you test your levels.

What Does the Omega-3 Index Test Measure?

The Omega-3 Index is a blood test that measures the amount of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in red blood cell (RBC) membranes and is expressed as a percent of total RBC fatty acids. It is a long-term and stable marker of omega-3 status, and it reflects tissue levels of EPA+DHA.


An Omega-3 Index of over 8% is associated with the lowest risk of death from heart disease and below 4% with the highest.


How the D*action+Omega-3 Project Works

test kit transparentCheck your vitamin D and Omega-3 Index levels from the privacy of your home, with our easy-to-use test kit. Prick your finger with the lancet provided, drop spots of blood on two separate cards, complete an online questionnaire, and mail the cards to GrassrootsHealth in the envelope provided. In 7-10 days after receipt, your levels will be available to you online.

Enroll in the D*action+Omega-3 Project

Be a force for change in your health and the healthcare system…

IDENTIFY: You can’t know if your vitamin D level or Omega-3 Index is optimal just because you eat the right foods or take supplements – they both must be measured.


CORRECT: Once you know your vitamin D level and Omega-3 Index, they can be optimized with simple dietary and lifestyle changes.


MAINTAIN: Testing your vitamin D and Omega-3 Index every 4-6 months ensures that levels stay optimal.


Enroll Now!