
2024 Virtual Vitamin D Forum: A response to misguiding guidelines

Clearing up confusion around vitamin D: Presentations by the researchers themselves

Not sure what to do about vitamin D for yourself or your patients? Research has highlighted the newly appreciated, vital associations between vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency and extra-skeletal diseases, such as several cancers, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, hypertension, increased risk of heart failure, prenatal and neonatal complications, and acute infections. Recommended daily intakes as set by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the newly updated Endocrine Society guidelines are too low to adequately support the role of vitamin D for such extra-skeletal processes and disorders mentioned above, leading to increased risk of such diseases, even in healthy people.

This virtual event will address the following key points:

1. The importance of Vitamin D in health maintenance, disease prevention, and longevity
2. The widespread insufficiency/deficiency of Vitamin D
3. The safety of Vitamin D supplementation
4. The potential clinical applications of high dose Vitamin D (autoimmune disease, cancer, etc.)
5. How to apply Vitamin D research into everyday life and practice

Conclusion: Everyone should be aware that Vitamin D testing and supplementation when insufficient should be done regularly. (Any suggestion otherwise is against science, against logic, and against common sense.)

Hosted by:

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service & GrassrootsHealth

Event Format & Dates

Presentations and Interviews leading up to and following the live event

Live Forum & Panel Discussion (Virtual) on Monday, September 30th, 2024, 7-9am PT

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