
Understanding and Addressing Vitamin D Resistance

...Together . Available from: https://www.rupahealth.com/post/the-science-behind-taking-vitamin-d-and-k-together-for-enhanced-health-outcomes 64. Nutriadvanced. Thinking of Supplementing with Vitamin D? …Think Vitamin K2 Too! . Available from: https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/news/thinking-of-supplementing-with-vitamin-d-think-vitamin-k2-too/ 65. Aguayo-Ruiz JI, García-Cobián TA, Pascoe-González S, Sánchez-Enríquez S,...

Vitamin C – A True Life Saver

...value in some conditions. How Safe is Vitamin C? Vitamin C supplementation is extremely safe. Doses of vitamin C up to 10 g/d (10,000 mg/d) have been provided without causing...